How to make recycled paper from old Newspaper

Today, interesting things are made with recycled paper as well as wedding invitations, pens and a lot of products for office and sometime until knife, do you believe that? So, how could we make recycled paper with newspaper in a simple way at home?

First of all we'll need some items could be found in a kitchen like a bowl, rolling pin and an electric mixer, at least 350 ml of water, mesh and tray (maybe it isn't in a kitchen) and of course older newspaper.

Initially, rip the newspaper inside the bowl and put it with 250 ml of water. It'll asleep for one hour before mixer. However, use the electric mixer for 45 seconds in this wet rip paper and after that dump this misture on the tray with more 100 ml of water using your hands to spread it.

Now, It's turn to use the mesh to take the spread wet paper and put on between 2 sheets of newspaper. We'll use the rolling pin to press the fold sheets of newspaper to remove the over water.

Finally, take at out the recycled paper between the fold newspaper and put it on the table and after 24 hours your paper would be done!


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